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WH Planet Web Hosting

CloudLinux Servers

The Fastest Apache Overlay Available!

With CloudLinux and Accelerate WP you can run WordPress 75% Faster!


CloudLinux OS Shared Hosting Pro was developed with shared hosting in mind. It’s a state-of-the-art operating system that gives shared hosting providers and end users what they need: advanced automation, deep-look performance analytics, and centralized monitoring tools. All these tools keep your website running fast, smooth, and secure!

As a WH Planet Hosting customer you get our team to manage this incredibly fast solution for you!



New PHP performance tracing tool: 

    • Identifies slow PHP-based CMS modules 
    • Identifies slow database queries 
    • Identifies slow PHP functions 
    • Identifies slow external calls

Troubleshooting Performance Problems 

PHP X-Ray was developed specifically to troubleshoot performance issues in PHP-based web sites, such as: 

    • Slow plugins 
    • Slow database queries 
    • Slow functions 
    • Slow external calls 


Problem-focused monitoring solutions that help us identify end user issues before they even become a problem.

Accelerate WP